Ghouls and Glamours
Jimmy didn’t shout, cool under pressure. I didn’t turn as I raised the shotgun. The ghoul launched itself from beside an oversized headstone.
- Category: Fiction
- Hits: 3058
That hurt.
Another one like that and my shield wasn't going to hold. Firelight gleamed off its raw, insideout flesh
as the demon took a step back and seemed to be catching its breath. Great; just great.
- Category: Fiction
- Hits: 3148
Dunwich Honeymoon
The look on her face as she came out from under the drugs said more than words possibly could.
- Category: Fiction
- Hits: 3148
Spirit Trap
“Lamoreaux? Where are you?” The kid whispered into the dark.
“Over here,” Lamoureaux whispered back.
The kid, what was his name? Sawyer... no, not Tom; Bill. That was it, Bill Sawyer. Bill crept over to Lamoreaux.
“What are you doing?”
“Hiding, like you should be.”
- Category: Fiction
- Hits: 3235