The Black Library

The Black Library Review: A Book of the Magi
"Dr Alexander Cummins is a consultant, diviner, writer, magician, and historian." The opening blurb on the website of Dr Alexander Cummins begins with characteristic understatement. The wisecracking wizard in a waistcoat, who usually introduces himself with: "Hello, I'm Al.", is most certainly all of those things.
- Category: The Black Library
- Hits: 3571

The Black Library Review: The Salem Summer Symposium
A Celebration of Magical Education, Commerce, Community & Activism
I've had a little time to digest the delightful whirlwind that was The Salem Summer Symposium, but I'm not entirely sure I have my thoughts in order as it were. So this review is likely going to contain some rambling and some moments of me marking memories.
- Category: The Black Library
- Hits: 4428

Black Library Review: Magic for The Resistance
...the practitioners of magic have always been syncretists, experimenting intraculturally and sticking with what worked. - Michael M Hughes, Magic for the Resistance
- Category: The Black Library
- Hits: 21733

Black Library Review: Soul Friend Astrology
Yes, I had my first astrological consult (we've come a long way from that old Sun Signs book, baby) and it was quite educational and informative.
- Category: The Black Library
- Hits: 2882

Black Library Review: Magister Officiorum
"Magic is not a purely intellectual exercise carried out without risk from the proverbial armchair."
- Category: The Black Library
- Hits: 3134