Magical Diary

St Expedite Novena
A complex and interesting novena for St Expedite, found on St St Expedite's Feast day is April 19; begin the novena on either April 11th or 12th, depending on when you want to finish.
- Category: Magical Diary
- Hits: 3188

Archangel Gabriel Novena
The Feast of St Gabriel the Archangel is on March 24th (last recorded date before it is moved to coincide with Michaelmas, Feast of the Archangels). There seems to be some confusion over when one starts a novena leading up to a Saint's day: do you finish your ninth day of prayers on the Saint's day or do you finish the day before? Not sure. I like the idea of finishing the day before, and leaving the actual Saint's day for simple prayers and offerings.
- Category: Magical Diary
- Hits: 21420

Meal Time Prayer to Hermes Dotor Eaon
A prayer for use at mealtimes, to Hermes Dotor Eaon, Giver of Good Things.
- Category: Magical Diary
- Hits: 2691

Meditations on The Forty Servants
Short meditations on The Forty Servants
- Category: Magical Diary
- Hits: 4733
A Prayer to Mary and Archangel Michael for Peace
I will praise Thee, O God, in the sight of Thy Angels.
O Mary Immaculate, great Queen of Heaven and earth and our gentle advocate, we beg Thee to intercede for us. Pray God to send St. Michael and the holy Angels to ward off all the obstacles contrary to the reign of the Sacred Heart in our souls, our families, our country and in the whole world.
- Category: Magical Diary
- Hits: 3190